domingo, agosto 14, 2005

Solução para "enxergar" o hd onde o linux está instalado (ext2,ext3)

"It provides Windows NT4.0/2000/XP with full access to Linux Ext2 volumes (read access and write access). This may be useful if you have installed both Windows and Linux as a dual boot environment on your computer.

If you currently have Windows running and you realize that you need some files for your work which you have stored on an Ext2 volume of your Linux installation, you no longer have to shut down Windows and boot Linux!

Furthermore, Windows will now be able to handle floppy disks which have been formatted with an Ext2 file system."

Ext2 IFS For Windows


Blogger albrecht said...

Bem interessante.
Agora da para deixar as mp3s no ext{2,3} e ouvi-las no windows.

Mas pense, o windows mal consegue cuidar do que é seu, vai cuidar direito do que é de fora ? :-)

segunda-feira, 15 agosto, 2005  

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